Goodnight BabyGirl - March, 20, 2020

Hi my Beautiful BabyGirl. i truly wish and Pray there were enough words that i could say, to express how much i miss You, how Proud of You i am, how incredibly broken and shattered my Heart is. but ABOVE ALL, how much Daddy Loves You...
there TRULY IS not a single second, of ANY day that i am not Thinking about You. one second it will make my Heart smile, and LITERALLY 15 seconds later, it hurts so much, that i cannot hold back the tears... Daddy is trying so hard to be Tough, and to be STRONG, but sometimes it is almost emotionally, spiritually and physically impossible. my Heart and my World is shattered BabyGirl...
i imagine all of the time how Beautiful, how Gorgeous, how AMAZINGLY UNEXPLAINABLE Heaven is, and how much Joy, and Happiness, and Laughter, and LOVE, and fun, and excitement You are having there. and how much PEACE You are in. and as i write that, just having to PHYSICALLY WRITE THAT, what is left of Daddy’s Heart, absolutely shatters. but, there is PEACE in that, because Daddy KNOWS that there is NO OTHER PLACE Daddy would want You to be...
no hurt. no pain. no anger. no bitterness. no jealousy. no accusations. no ugliness. no hatred... i TRULY. THANK. GOD that You will NEVER have to experience ANY of that. i know that Daddy still has so much more work to do here, but i am so ready... i am
ready for Jesus to Come get us, and take us Home. i am BEYOND READY for You to “Hold You”. i am BEYOND READY to hug You, Kiss You, Laugh with You, run, and jump, and play with You. i am BEYOND READY to look You in the Eyes, tell You how Proud of You i am, Kiss You, tell You how much i have Missed You, SHOW YOU how much i Love You, and NEVER have to worry about that ending again... oh. what a Beautiful Day...
please, give me “Easy Kisses” tonight BabyGirl. Daddy needs them...
Jesus, please say our Prayers with my BabyGirl, & tuck her in tight for Daddy...
with EVERY beat, & EVERY ounce of Daddy’s Heart, I Love You BabyGirl...